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Eat Like A Writer (November 11, 2020) Host Liz Foster
Born to Write (January 2020) Host Azul Terronez
My writing and challenges I have faced.
Charmed Against All Odds research and inspiration.
The Haunting of Fury Falls Inn research and my writing career.
Talking about my writing career, writing process, and avenues for publishing books.
Writing and the writer’s life
How I wrote a specific excerpt from Veiled Visions of Love
Writing inspiration and advice
Betty Boyd Writing (Spring, 2018) Host Betty Boyd
Writing process and stories
Michele Stegman’s Blog (January 13, 2017) Host Michelle Stegman
Talking about the role of family heirlooms in Undying Love
Revealing the inspiration for writing Hometown Heroines and other writing advice
Talking about who and what my superheroes are
Discussing Hometown Heroines
Sharing memories of my childhood
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